When you hear the word art, what type of art do you think of? Some think of paintings or some may think of this beautiful sculpture. When you hear the word artist, what type of artist do you think of? Some think of music or Pablo Picasso. The first response to those answers is typically how one has processed those words from one’s own opinion. There is various kinds of art or artists. Without artist’s life would be pretty boring but yet we are the most judged and critiqued the most.
We as artists have those unfavorable people who express opinions. From my perspective all art is beautiful. Some artist can feel, for insistence as if they are stripped bare in front of an audience when sharing their art to the world. If it isn’t your cup of tea or taste in music, painting or photograph it is okay. Instead of stepping back and saying “I would have done it this way.” Take that step back and notice a good quality and recognize that artist may have several hours creating that piece of art or music.
This morning when I was thinking about my blog this week Amy Winehouse popped in my head. Amy was very talented with her style of music and her voice. Through media and social media’s opinions were embedded in people’s minds, judgement. We live in a time where big business is telling everyone what to listen to, what to wear, how to live, what you should be. Which gives that push negative comments or opinions without the thought that there was a human life that created that art, that music. The day I found out Amy Winehouse passed away I had dinner at my friends house Joseph Budde, we were so upset that this beautiful talented woman’s life was cut short and focused on her wonderful music but not everyone did that.
All artists work hard to create that beautiful artwork or sound, stop and acknowledge that beauty. To some of us artists this is how we can express pain, happiness, grief and love. Know that a human spent hours, weeks, months or years to get that art in front of you. I love that we all have different flavors or life would be boring.
judgement, art, artist, artwork, differentart, painting, paintings, sculpture, sculptures, music, musicians, pablopicasso, opinion, opinions, alltypesofart, judge, judged, critiqued, perspective, perspectives, beautiful, beauty, allartisbeautiful, audience, cupoftea, photograph, photography, goodquality, quality, create, creative, creativity, amywinehouse, talent, talented, style, styles, voice, voices, media, socialmedia, media, minds, mind, negative, negativity, positive, positivity, pain, happiness, grief, love, fortheloveofart